Taiwan Professional Grinding Materials


We strive not to be the first,but to be unique;not to be the largest, but to be the best

Taiwan's only professional grinding materials, factory-direct, high quality at competitive prices, customizable!


Establishing comprehensive service throughout Taiwan!Expertly handling customer challenges, providing the best tools for productivit!


Company philosophy: "Deliver the best products and services, ensuring customer satisfaction!"


Taiwan Professional Grinding Materials


[ Polishing Methods ] Flat grinding, internal hole grinding, internal corner grinding, various polishing techniques, and more.

[ Industries Using Polishing ] Laser cutting, metal construction materials, food machinery, glass, wood, steel and aluminum industries, automotive sheet metal, glass curtain walls, sports equipment, golf clubs, computers, mobile phone panels, precision industries, and more.


Save time, save effort, increase efficiency.

Please feel free to contact us for inquiries.